My friends call me Baph
SO much has happened in a day! But I'll start where I promised previously; with an intro to my quirk.
I finally decided on my villain name: Baphomet
...and it just kind of fit.
I named my quirk "Imagine Dragons" but imagination is only half of it, as it's a summoning quirk. There is a portal situated at my solar plexus that opens when I activate my quirk, and dragons fly out of it. Now, I've never seen inside, but if I had to venture a guess, its home to Shinigami.
The main dragon who always flies to my defense is named "Bones" and he is my guardian and protector. Whenever I panic, get hurt, or scared, Bones will fly out, full throttle, ready to viciously maul and thrash with whoever the enemy is- so in this way, the quirk is mainly a defensive reaction as I am not much of a fighter, and he doesn't seem to set his intentions on killing people, so much as disarming, or distracting them long enough for me to get away- but anything could happen.
He has the ability to permeate things or be solid, but it's all or nothing. He can go through people, walls etc... and can move in perfect silence, so when it comes to stealth operations, like robbing banks, he is the best way to take out security cameras, motion detectors, lights and so on. When I close my eyes, I can see through his, which is helpful, but could leave my own body vulnerable, depending on the situation.
When the quirk is activated, my horns form out of thick black smoke, I grow fangs, and my eyes change into a serpentine glowing red/yellow color, which improves my night vision. Mine and the dragons' sense of smell is stronger than most humans', possibly even comparable to a dog's, but, only when the quirk is activated, which also could make for great tracking ability.
The downsides: Keeping him solid drains me, the host, of my energy. The longer Bones has to wrestle and thrash with an opponent, the more faint I feel. I can touch him without losing energy, but for anyone else to have have physical contact with him over an extended period of time, it can be incredibly taxing on me. If he takes too many hard hits, his skull begins to appear cracked, but the direct effect is on me, the host, as I will start to lose consciousness. If my tolerance is exceeded, I pass out, and Bones goes up in thick black smoke as he returns to his world.
Bones can also grow large enough to be ridden while flying, but carrying another passenger would obviously be tough on me.
Bones is a very loyal and loving companion. He likes apples.
Bones is my protector, but there are other dragons/serpents that can be manifested, with different elemental properties and personalities. Sometimes I wear them as intimidating costume accessories.
The quirk is actually a great performance quirk, since it would be an entertaining thing to watch at a circus performance, or in a play or dance, but I am not very proud of my quirk since, in the past, growing up in a Catholic-run orphanage, the nuns thought I was cursed by The Devil himself- so for a long time, I was ashamed to activate it at all, even when the kids used to bully me to try and force it, just so they could play with Bones when he was just a little scrappy cub on the playground as children. After years of suppression, my stamina needs work, but I can still fuck a nigga up.
Now, that's out of the way, lets move on to the drama of the day:
Hawks. Hawks. Hawks...
I love this fucking man, but we have been having a hard time seeing eye-to-eye from the beginning of this relationship. The one thing I thought we agreed, on a personal level, was that he was no angel, which was where a lot of his internal angst and anxiety stemmed from, and I felt that on a personal level. Truly- because I knew what it felt like to be demonized, when I'm not the sum of my parts either. So I thought that connection would be enough to build a foundation on, but shit got complicated really fast and I'm gonna try and touch only on what's relevant as it has ultimately led to our separation as of today.
He was never feeling me joining the League of Villains, but I didn't do it because I was trying to hurt him, I did it because I have no marketable skills as a hero. I refuse to go through the rigamarole, paperwork and red tape that it takes to become a pro hero. I also refuse to be bothered by the media- I'm much too lowkey for that. On one of our very first dates, the paparazzi were following him so tough, we ended up on the news the very next day. Luckily for me, I look normal and forgettable while my quirk is deactivated, otherwise I would be infamous just based on appearances alone.
I already knew, on some level, what to expect, because his public approval rating is so high, he might as well be a celebrity. The tabloids blow up every one of his sexploits like it's their business to keep track, even so much as to keep his "known body count" as a running joke and selling point of their magazines. I knew he was a hoe. I just didn't care, because I thought maybe I was special, since he sought me out.
He kept a close eye on me whenever I was meeting with the League, hiding on rooftops nearby. I didn't think it was necessary, because Shigaraki seemed to like me well enough that I didn't feel threatened by him.
That's when things took a turn.
At first we'd just go there at the end of the day to be together, in privacy. I could tell he was happier.
Shortly after I created the place, though, he had demands. He had previously complained to me that it wasn't fair that Itachi and Cloud have an entire island to themselves that he is not allowed to visit. He wanted what they had too. I winced, thinking, I cannot afford to pay rent on another sim, and Itachi made it clear that Keigo was not allowed in St. Elsewhere (which is the name of the Island/Sim). He was upset about them having all that freedom, and above all, he wanted a treehouse, which, I mean, of course he did, as a way to spread his wings. I didn't say anything, but I knew, eventually Itachi could loosen up on that rule, if he thought Hawks was an okay dude- but that he was making these demands so early on, should have been a red flag to me. I didn't even say no, I just thought of a way to compromise and told him, I can make a space for you, but you'll have to use it sparingly.
One night, I thought it would be fun if Keigo and I headed into the city for the purpose of him getting to see me use my quirk in performance as a stripper. I led him into a really upscale type of club that is all but empty and he takes a seat. I go backstage and get ready and when I come out, who do I see walking into the venue, taking an empty seat nearby, but Shigaraki Tomura.
![]() |
Outstanding! |
Tomura is so impressed he's showering me with his appreciation via hundred dollar bills that I sold him, but Keigo doesn't know that and is just getting more pissed by the second that he even has to share this experience with HIM; let alone, fall back as he overtly objectifies me.
I only did the one dance, and went backstage to change into some real clothes so Keigo and I could actually have a real dinner date. I exited the club out into the back alley and he was there waiting for me. I ran to him, giddy and asked if he liked the dance and he said that he did, but then he started sniping at me asking why I was involved with the League of villains at all. We walked for a bit as I explained that, just like him, I'm not just what people see on the surface, and that even if I wasn't in the League, I'd be in a gray area that doesn't necessarily equate to evil, but it suits my selfishness without hurting anyone else in the process.
We came to a a pier that led to some docks and he starts turning up the intensity of his argument, to the point where what started as a discussion is now sounding like a full blown breakup. I sit down on a bench, looking a little hurt. I try and explain that I didn't invite Shigaraki and that strip-clubs are shady places in the first place, so it's no surprise that you'd come across villains. We never make it to the restaurant.
I don't remember falling alseep, but I wake up a few hours later and I immediately begin frantically searching my mind for Hawks, terrified that we broke up because I clearly passed out in the middle of his rant.
"I'm here!" he calls out from the darkness, taking my hand and holding me close,
I apologize profusely for the fight we had and then I slowly notice we're not at home, we're in the hospital. I look into his puffy eyes and he tells me he thought he'd lost me.
"I don't understand."
Apparently the person I met in the alley wasn't Hawks at all. It was a Twice duplicate, and he walked with me, arguing with me irately while my guard was down and my quirk was not activated. He led me to the docks where, apparently, I was jumped and stabbed to death by Himiko. They (Himiko and a panicked Twice) then began the process of trying to get rid of my body when the real Keigo basically broke that shit up expeditiously and flew me off to the nearest hospital, where I was pronounced dead, but somehow miraculously woke up after a couple hours.
I felt betrayed. Obviously. He didn't say "I told you so", but he kept mentioning how I should never have trusted Shigaraki, because obviously there's no honor among villains. He said he probably planned the entire thing. I didn't know what to believe. I knew Dabi and Himiko didn't much care for me, but I just didn't think Shigaraki would have ordered them to do that.
I wanted revenge, but Hawks talked me out of it, instead saying we should leave the city altogether, which was what he'd basically proposed a week prior, when he had suggested that being with him put a target on my back and we should just run away together. I couldn't believe they fucking murdered me, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it, but Hawks also convinced me that there was no way Shigaraki didn't put the hit on me himself, and so I let it go, and decided from then on, I would just meet him at the beach house.
So we'd spend the night at the beach house and in the morning, I'd let him know when I was leaving, so that he could go and catch the train back to the city and also so the space didn't fold/collapse with him in it, which can be a disorienting experience when you teleport back to your own reality unawares.
He went back to work for about two consecutive days. Then, every time I would come back to the house at night, he was already there. Sometimes I'd just check in, in the middle of the day and he was still there, just enjoying his life.
I truly didn't mind and I didn't confront him about it, because I didn't see anything wrong with it. Think about it: I'm not the lawful good person who would try and emphasize why he should go to work every day. It doesn't take me even being a villain to empathize with the stance of "fuck work". I thought he was lucky that he could disappear like that and on some level, I kind of envied it.
He even told me he wished I could stay there with him, which roughly translates to "kill yourself" which we discussed in levity; which by the way, before you talk about how disturbing that is: CALM DOWN. I maintain these shrines with my death in mind, every step of the way, so don't worry about these delusions making me suicidal. It'll be my actual real, depressing life that kills me before I just check out because of the sunny prospect of an early retirement.
Anyway, Friday afternoon, I was listening to some music on YouTube at work. Hawks was enjoying the hell out of himself as we were chatting and laughing, sipping MaiTais and making out in the sand at sunset. I let the melody of a beautiful song overtake my imagination and the beach becomes a living, breathing vivid manifestation of passion. The waves sensually lap at the shore, pulling under a little Green bundle of distress, and in a moment of randomness, I see Midoryia swimming, or trying to swim as a riptide sweeps him underwater.
I'm a little confused, because I didn't call him and I wasn't thinking about him at all, so I stand up and look out into the water and his head finally breaks above the surface, and his arms are flailing and I'm like "Oh my God! Deku?!"
Hawks goes and saves him from the deep, but not how you'd expect. You'd think he would fly him out, but he only nudged him to where it was shallow enough so that he could walk the rest of the way and then when he finally walked ashore, soaking wet, catching his breath, Hawks was like,
"How did you find this place?"
Deku looks distraught and he's like "People have been looking for you for days! There's a crisis and the pro heroes could really use your help."
Keigo is unfazed, by this and looks skeptical, "What crisis?"
Deku starts spouting off in a panicky rant about whatever the emergency is, but Hawks has zero interest and the music is still playing and I didn't really stop focusing on him as the seductive melody was playing, so when we just started passionately making out, while Deku was trying to explain, he just went beet red and kinda stopped talking, and he looked kinda pissed and walked off, to hide behind the lifeguard tower so he didn't wave to see that.
I stop Hawks for a second and basically told him to go hear him out. He looked kinda pissed too.
He goes and talks to Midoriya, with a MaiTai in one hand and an ice cream cone in the other. Deku instinctively reaches for the ice cream, but it wasn't for him, so Hawks just kinda pulls his hand back, like "mine" asking,
"So, how did you find this place?"
Deku says a hobo saw Hawks standing at a very old, abandoned train station at the end of a track that had been retired for like 100 years, when a train quietly came and vanished with Keigo on it. When Deku went to investigate, he waited for hours, on the edge of falling asleep when he saw the ghost train show up and caught it, too.
"How many people know about it?"
"Just me," Deku said. "The pro heroes really need your help."
"Look, kid. There's always gonna be some villain or crisis to avert. There are plenty of pro heroes who can handle it without my help."
Deku is pleading with him, when Keigo basically tells him to go home and not to tell anybody that he found him.
Once Deku finally leaves, I don't know why, but I'm less interested in sex than ever, and on some subconscious level I think maybe it had to do with Hawks giving no fucks about what was happening in the city. I really was okay with him staying. I didn't think there was anything wrong with him not wanting to risk his life. But somehow it just didn't sit well in my soul.
Apparently I developed a new ability after being killed and I found myself teleporting short distances in a cloak of thick black smoke when my quirk was activated. I didn't even realize it until Hawks told me when it happened and looked a little creeped out that it proved that I had a tangible relationship with death.
Yesterday, things came to a head when I called home to talk to Keigo, but somehow Shigaraki intercepted the connection. I asked who I was talking to and he confirmed it was him. I basically told him I knew he put a hit on me and that he should just let me rest in peace, then I asked how the fuck he found me if he thought I was dead in the first place? He said he didn't do it. That Dabi and Himiko came up with that plan on their own and made up some story about how I basically just ran off and disappeared because I was being pursued by Yakuza I did bad business with.
I didn't trust it at all. I basically told him I might as well be dead. Then he said he was coming to the house. I was like no the hell you're not! He insisted, and so I asked what he wanted, to which he responded "To see you."
So I said fine, and told him I'd meet him in the city at 8 and that we'd go get Sushi.
Hawks was obviously, justifiably upset. I couldn't explain to him why I felt the need to go other than the way Shigaraki sounded like he was sincerely saddened by the thought of my death and that the tiny little light that I had seen in him when he smiles and blushes at me would be snuffed out forever if I didn't go. Because I'm a stupid bitch who be tryna fix niggas.
I made it clear to Tomura that I wasn't interested in anything other than friendship, though. But he made his terrible and raggedy attempts at flirting anyway, which was about as uncomfortable as you can possibly imagine- because his social skills are LACKING in a huge way, but I just thought it was funny. I knew he was serious, but I couldn't help cracking up at how direct he was at times. The date went pretty okay, and ended in us sitting at the bar at the hideout with Kurogiri as I massaged his hands with lotion and gave him a kiss on the cheek to make him smile.
In that moment, I saw him pretty clearly, and he didn't look exactly like the anime, but more realistic and his canines were bit crowded, but it actually made his smile super cute and unique and charming.
When I finally got home. Hawks was seething. After writing it all down, I'm not surprised at all that he was in his feelings and honestly he had every right to be, but he did TRY to keep his cool. Because he was trying really hard to understand me. However, the more he thought about me spending time with Tomura, of all people, he became more and more agitated.
I'm not one to avoid hard conversations. He needed to understand why the hell I was hanging out with this guy if I wasn't attracted to him. I told him, it's not like that, and he insists that I'm not being honest with myself if I don't think something could happen between us. The mere thought of that is laughable and I dismiss it as ridiculous, but I stop short of insulting Shigaraki, because he actually let me know that when I crack jokes about him it be kinda hurtin' his feelings even though he would laugh with me because he thought I was pretty. To that, Hawks pointed out that I was already soft on him and that it wouldn't take much else for us to end up falling in bed together. I was so not convinced. I just denied and denied it, because, even though I am starting to see Tomura as more of a person with feelings, I don't know if I'll ever be down to have sex with him, because I'd feel so guilty. I just wanted to nurture his light with a little kindness. Hawks stopped arguing and basically made himself kinda scarce, avoiding me.
I was hurt about it, because I wanted to resolve it, but I knew we were on the edge of him giving me an ultimatum, because Shigaraki just gets under his skin.
It was mid afternoon when Keigo finally looked like he made up his mind to finalize this argument, but he was cut off by Itachi who basically shouted over top of him and was like,
"Let him go, he's an insecure loser."
Keigo was like "What?! Fuck you, dude! Mind your business!"
Itachi was like "This is my business. How about before you get your panties all in a knot trying to wrap your head around how you can't possibly share her with another guy, you should understand I basically approved sharing her with YOU!"
I'm like.. ohh.. my god.. Itachiii.. pleaaase...stop.
Keigo is getting so hot, he's shouting out to the blue sky "You're not the boss of her!"
"I'm not her boss, but there has to be some hierarchy among this harem and I'm it, so you're only in if I say so, 'kid'. "
At this point I'm shooketh, and speechless, I'm tryna hold them back and shit and Keigo straight up says
I'm like oh halleee nawww. I'm trying to get Keigo to calm down when Itachi basically materializes from a throng of black crows on the beach and they continue arguing, and Keigo is making threats, while I'm in the middle trying to defuse the situation and failing miserably.
"I will fuck you up bro!" Hawks shouts,
At this point I'm like, I gotta get Itachi to leave or this will be so much worse than just a breakup, because if Hawks' pride is destroyed, he'll never want to see me again.
Itachi is like "Oh you will, huh? Here, I'll give you a handicap. I'll tie one hand behind my back and keep my eyes closed, so I don't activate my "quirk" and accidentally overdo it. Because I want you remember getting your ass beat."
Hawks is about ready to attack at that moment, when I step right in front of Itachi and his sharp eyes soften and I tell him I got it, and to please just go home. He does so, reluctantly but not before leaving Hawks with one last thought to the effect of,
"If you can't deal with the competition, you don't belong in the race."
Once he left, I apologized profusely for the situation, but Keigo had had it. He just walked off and I haven't seen him since. I think he left the island entirely, and he is not interested in talking and I feel horrible, but Itachi said good riddance.
I think part of him can empathize with Shiagaraki because he knows I'm a healer. He mentioned how I gave Sasuke his color back and even did the same for him when he was a lost soul, so I think the part of him that identifies as a villain has no patience for Keigo, who Itachi thinks has only been interested in using me for the prospect of freedom from his hero responsibility. He doesn't believe that Keigo really likes me at all, but just sees me as a meal ticket of some kind.
I asked Cloud what he thought and he gave Keigo the benefit of the doubt, but also emphasized that I should give him the time and space to make the decision on his own whether he wants to come back for me as a man on his own terms instead of me chasing after him. Because whether he's paranoid that I'll fuck Tomura OR maybe even just that I might fall in love with him, nothing but time can allow him to draw his own conclusions, and either way, he has a lot of growing up to do.
🥺 *sigh*
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