A lot has happened. But I want to mainly focus on Cloud, since I've been spending most of my time with him, lately.
After he confessed his feelings for Itachi, the bond between us all grew stronger and Cloud was able to let his guard down a bit more with me. Here's to hoping he doesn't regret his honesty.
Being that we look a lot like scribble scrabble on the LGBTA to Z spectrum, and it's pride month and all, I was thinking about making an effort toward a themed picture.
There was no enthusiasm from either one of them.
To be fair, I've heard them going into these whimsical debates (in that they are not intended to be won) about whether or not Cloud is actually gay.
"I'm not gay. I'm just hot." he said very seriously one day, sending us both into a fit of giggles.
Even though he was obviously half-joking, I was like wow...what a revelation. Hotness is probably a MAJOR factor in a persons "fluidity", but I didn't press him on it.
If you make up your mind to label him gay he'll say "Fine, I'm gay." but if you ask him if he's gay he'll say "No. I'm not gay."
To further prove this point I laid out a scenario in which I asked him if Itachi pointed out an attractive man to him, would he look?
He looked disgusted (😂LOL) and was like "No, I'm not attracted to men. I'm in love with Itachi."
And that's his answer. That's pretty cute, right? Being labeled gay doesn't trigger Cloud, because he's such a cool, calm collected individual.
I was starting to get a little panicked about it since we are in what looks like something "poly" so I felt like we should at least make an effort to fit in.
Itachi, really couldn't be bothered, he just doesn't cling to the label and Cloud shook his head before basically saying
"I'm not ashamed of our relationship, but I don't particularly take pride in my sexuality. It's not a very important aspect of my personality, Ra."
Itachi nodded in complete agreement.
"Well it's about being proud of who you love, though." I said.
"Yeah, well every day I'm living that. I don't need that public display of flamboyance to accept being gay or whatever. Not like you."
I scoffed.
"I'm not gay!" I exclaimed.
"You're a little..." Itachi squinted, pinching his fingers close with a smirk
"Then, if I'm gay, you're white!" I snapped back at Cloud, instantly feeling like all the warm air was siphoned out of the room..
One thing that rubs Cloud 1000% the wrong way and pisses him all the way off is being called...
I know. I know! The first time this came up we were still living in the treehouse.
He said with full confidence and a tsk 🌩 "I'm not white!"🌩
Itachi doesn't push it, so I didn't push it. More recently it chimes in ever so often when anyone makes the mistake of calling or referring to him as white.
Some time ago Xie Lian had managed to get Cloud through the gates of Heaven and they also asked Cloud if he was white.
He looked irritated and began speaking in rapid and fluent Japanese that made the officials look embarrassed/sorry they asked.
Today I was thinking about having a brunch with Barbie because I like Barbie.
I've always liked Barbie. Barbie is my inspiration. So, I had thought about this meeting with her before Keigo and Pocahontas' wedding, but Pocahontas warned me about Barbie and kept insisting that I don't ruin our fun by inviting her to hang out with us like she would be cool. So I'm thinking;
"Of course Barbie would be cool, she has everything, why wouldn't she be cool?"
A month goes by. The crazy kids get married. Barbie doesn't come to the wedding, but I heard that she and Cinderella are close, cuz I guess she's the face of the Disney x Mattel Brand deals. After Moca made that clear to me I kind of started to understand why she was so wary around Disney princesses.
The wedding was a perfectly well managed event until they started gossiping like school children about Keigo.
Who is the culprit that Moca trusted with the details about her short king's impressive shoe size that spilled the tea?! If that wasn't enough, they were all up in his business, speculating between each other, because asking HIM "Where is your side of the family?" was inappropriate.
In the end I kind of understood the Disney princess "work politics" since it seemed none of them are all that close. They are a bit competitive (like pageant queens) and a little shady. Pocahontas is apparently the "wild" one and in a lot of events she's excluded because her image doesn't match the blahblahblah.
Anyway, today as I thought now that the wedding is out of the way and I've met Cinderella for myself, Barbie would be willing to meet me for brunch.
She seemed hesitant. I didn't get it. It almost seemed like she scoffed at me as if I wasn't high class enough. I was kind of offended, thinking about it. I felt like I was calling her on the phone and the line rang twice before she answered, prepared to give me some excuse.
Cloud said something in the background and her tone changed instantly.
"Will you be bringing a plus one?"
I sneered into my phone "No, It's just brunch with me...is that okay?"
"I'll have to check my schedule. I'll call you. Bye!"
Now I'm starting to get a little pissed off because um... she wants my man?!?!
Cloud, being the smart one, caught on even before I did and he went on to ridicule the obvious ploy to get him to tag along by pointing out,
"Yeah she probably thinks I'm exactly her type." he growled wearing a sour face.
"Like her precious Ken?🙄 Blonde hair, blue eyes? Like that?😒"
I cringed, before searching for an excuse to give Barbie the benefit of the doubt.
"No way! She's Barbie! She's all about diversity and culture and fashion shit."
It didn't matter though. Cloud couldn't hear me anymore. He'd gotten quiet and his face looked visibly more irritated by the second when he finally said.
"If you put me and her in the same room, we're gonna have a problem."
Instantly my mind went to Pocahontas and Itachi fighting like siblings, when Cloud corrected me that Barbie wouldn't stand a chance in hell.
"Damn, Cloud! You would break out the buster sword on her?!"
"What? You're telling me there's no ninja Barbie?" he sneered "Seems like after all this time she'd at least have done that much."
The more he thought about it, the redder he got, though until he couldn't take it anymore.
"I'm not even white.. Who the fuck does she think I am? Who does she think she is, assuming she knows anything about me?"
"Cloud...You look-"
"Don't fucking say it! Don't compare me to those fucking tiny human filth on your muddy planet and fix your mouth to call me that colonizer shit! I said I'd basically vouch for them, but its ONLY because YOU asked me to. I have NOTHING in common with those people and even looking like them by chance is deeply disturbing and makes me regretful when I have NOTHING to feel guilty about.
People that looked like me on my planet were just as poor as people who didn't and even though my world was as greedy, hungry, corrupt and polluted as yours, the concept of slavery through racism never came up. It was never a "phase" like puberty pimples popping up all over your west fucking indies like they try and excuse it for. These "white people" have generations of bad karma to make up for, so that shit is a fucking insult to me. Don't ever call me white." <(it was way worse and potent with articulated insults, but for the sake of brevity and sparing white folks feelings I'm gonna just leave it here.)
"Well people will though, Cloud. If not white, Caucasian."
He shuddered.
"Fuck that! That's worse!" he shook his head with a groan. "I feel like that's a word people use to talk about them as if "white" is offensive to white people. If you have to call me a color, call me peach- whatever you have to do, but I'm made of light, not meat and I won't be lumped in with that shame. I refuse."
Aww, Cloud. I love you.
Actually, just in case ya'll didn't know, All white blonde-haired blue-eyed human males are considered D-rank in terms of karma because of the debt that their ancestors acquired to every colony that speaks English and prays Christian, now.
You may say "Well it's not my fault, my great-great-great grandfather did that, and the sins of the father are not the sins of the son."
But you know that all your sins aren't automatically forgiven at death, right? So that same credit score your great-great-great grandfather was rocking after he split up a family of 5 for 100 dollars is still your shitty credit, 5 generations later, to clean the fuck up.
I love beautiful men of all colors, okay, and any man has the potential to reach Samadhi, but I'm just saying if he has blue eyes and blonde hair and a great credit score (in life), just plan for death to do you part- so he doesn't drag you down too. If he ain't giving away money to charity like Leonardo DiCaprio, he's DEFINITELY looping back through Samsara, sis-and that's a broke nigga, no offense.
Cloud wouldn't mind accepting worship from them, but the fact that he thinks they're heathens means that appeasing him would be quite hard. (Like an Uchiha praying to Tobirama)
Pray to Cloud and he will DEFINITELY bless you (if you're not white.)
But he's not, so don't call him white.
June 9th was Itachi's birthday and we was lit! Happy birthday to the only Gemini I think I'll ever understand. I love you!
Me: Make a wish and take a HIT! |
Me: Too loud? Sorry-you good?
Cloud: Damn, your eyes are red! Itachi: I'm...3D?!? |
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