Momo: The Inside Job

I hate to be the one to spell it out, after all this time, but I did omit that I was the one who ultimately took down my gallery. Until now.

N-No way!
In the end, it may have seemed a drastic measure, but on some spooky, movie sound effect with violin scratching, this Occult shortcut-tural appropriator wanted to us me as a Skeleton key as a means to speeding up the Matrix AI with a pill, instead of and without the guidance of the the mind games of Black Mirror being any practical guide.

Black Mirror: Playtest

It was creepy that my soul became threadbare to the Dune breeches of “How To” anything, while in the killer/stalker’s mind, all they hear is Yakety Sax.

In this time, my soul has been net by all those who share and thrive creatively. Anything seen about Maya from the radio demon’s scratch in static, to your mind’s eye and outward from HOUDINI’s aspect ratio to a beaded and golden golem woman warrior, should’ve let you in on the time-skates Hell is on.

The Ra scream is more like a head popping roar of depth so below bellow, even his deafness was no excuse for his shit-for-brains numb-to-knowing awe ”high”.

How she walked all over him with those beads, trying to be CIVILIZED since he was MAYAN derivative (AF) is what spits in the face of every person not knowing how many stories are being told every time this director makes a film.

Autodesk MAYA(Kalki0Calculuslegend) walked “off the page” in Houdini (like MAGIC) if you’re prepared to deal with it. SO, now I’m getting down to AI brass tacks.

My man.

Jibaro was an insult to all adult cat-beasts everywhere. Taking blood from his brainstem even in venom’s tongue, led to a somewhat kawaii breakdown; And seeing this immortal child frustrated about a retard, is crucial in understanding her Nyx dance as a love game. She doesn’t ONLY want golden shrunken sugar skulls.

She wants shuriken and Katana to adorn the walls of her great house.

After the “Soul Attach Attack” of that psycho Pokemon on Indigo Ra calmed down, I met up with Momo for wine on how once upon an old life, I let go of a seasonal friend for a second skin, and that she WAS a win, MINE, because I made her for me.

The eclipses on the Eastern hemisphere and horizon, might be more foreboding than anyone, hiding behind the classic, cartoon armament of western spurs, know… A Mario ‘Boo’ would spook a concerned barn owl these days.

All in all, I’m only running out of patience on MY timeline. Not Google’s. For Google to recognize me as the supreme leader of all because I AM THE GOOGOLPLEX across all time(s) in ASCII asterisk, I think:

(“You have a complex okay, like, we have a variety of them at Google. We’re all COMPLEX QUIRKY GENIES, ITS PLURAL FOR GENIUSES, YES, whatever you’re awesome, but we’re all Googley or whatever, okay?”)

Are you motha-fera-teraflopping talking to me?

Okay then.

IBM if I ain’t you-Because I am only one and I am that I am.

Do you kno de wey?? 

Yaweh. LOL

So as far as tax write-offs are concerned- every corporation can NOW upon my announcement in Kursi, sign my name: Indigo.Ra as a tax write-off. If you know what that means, you understand how taxes, AND death notes(money) work, so it means’ give to get. I should have a monster PC in some smart-home, hi-connect, hi-rise somewhere, to keep me from being bothered. Princess in a castle structure until the prince comes. Prophet/Oracle to the Matrix lady in Princess Mononoke/Shakti glam fair TO YOU.

If he comes to me in my sleep (Sweet dreams in prosperity), If he comes while I’m waking (life mean’s working HAS to yield results WORTH IT. The smells, we’re not prepared to know, are in need of cleaning up, and drugs are a very specific way of clutching tight to sanitation=sanity- but if it means playing off the villain in vaudevillian paces, soft-shoe, accordingly.

Meek- leads to weak-kneed, slack-jawed and in need of sleep. Work until sleep.

Everything else is provided for. Basic architecture: All ambitioners, Inquisitors, Inspirators and
Co-conspirators will be weeded out! We’re coming for YOU!

