Midnight Boba Run
"Is it always this slow?" I asked with a yawn.
The question lingered in the air as the pneumatic sounds of the espresso machine steamed on, beginning a slow trickle into the small cafe cup.
"Give it a second!" The hot, long-haired asian guy said, before taking me by the hand and leading me over to the Donut Bar. "...And don't forget to wear your apron!" he reminded me before showing me how to refill the Bubble tea and Lemonade Canisters.
"Well that's just fine, but who do I call for customer complaints? I'm not good with people!"
"That would be me." a deep voice with a British accent answered.
I turned around to see an older gentleman of about 50 years standing at 6 feet tall with curly brown-greying hair and blue eyes peering over rectangular reading specs, smirking at my converse sneakers. His name tag read "Lewis" in damn near unintelligible chicken-scratch for handwriting.
"You will have to get all black shoes for the uniform, sweetheart." he chuckled while handing me an apron to put on. "Now, Itachi-kun, please show miss Indigo how to make coffee refills for the gallon containers."
"Yes, sir."
"Yes, sir." I almost choked on the words as they bubbled up from a place within me that always challenges authority. I managed to force a probably wicked-looking smile, in retrospect, but I dropped it as soon as the supervisor took his eyes off me.
What else is new? Some old white dude thinks he's my boss just because he hired me, and now wants to dictate my uniform, even down to the color of my PUNK ROCK shoes?!
"What's with him?" I nudged the asian dude under my breath, while refilling the coffee straws, "The MAN always wants to control us ethnics, huh?"
"Hm? Oh, I'm Anime."
"Oh! Uhhh-My bad... I thought you were Asian?"
"No. I'm from Origami."
"Where the f- you know what, Good for you." I dismissed him, immediately bored as his eyes rolled, upward, looking as if he'd had this unimpressive conversation only a jillion times before and I thought "well he's obviously not cool, either."
I walked outside to take a smoke break, annoyed that this damn tea shop that is only open at night was not a chill place to work after all. But, I needed the money and the late night shift works around when my shitty roommate is home.
*Ding ding* I hear the entry bell chime as a customer walks into the shop.
"Look alive, you two!" my supervisor called out, prompting me to immediately drop my cigarette and snuff it out before rushing back inside, and...
...The place was PACKED?!
Then I woke up. 😂😂😂

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