Corporate Attire

"From the heights of the Sunrise"

" the city below; Shinra powers YOU..."

"-And when the sun goes down..."

"You can bet: Shinra works tirelessly to keep the light on wherever you are, so you can sleep with peace of mind..."

Working Toward a Greater Tomorrow, Today!

Welcome to Shin-Ra: Employee Guide

"Hello! I am So-yu, Your personal Shinra AI Navigation Guide! Welcome New hire ID:00061-32447 Aziza Au'Ra. Press Play to Start the Orientation."

The Office Department of Survey Droid Support Systems may not be as well-known as SOLDIER, but it's just as essential!   

"Hm, It looks like you are employed under classified contract. Use your Keycard or unique employee ID to access entry to the labs and cafeteria. Your Security Clearance is: First Class."

"Well it ain't Rocket Science, but the land survey is seismic all over the region. I'll call you back when I have more data."

"A little more mako never hurt anybody, huh guys?"

"The OS may run a little hotter on your processors, but that's okay, so long as we implement mako-cooling systems."

"You guys are gonna look great when you're finally all put together, polished and surfaced!"

"Yes, Delaney?"

"These are the surveys from the Vulcan Peninsula, ma'am"

"It's a lot of responsibility being on this android assembly line..."

"It's a wonder that they trust somebody like me to program their ethics..."

"Why am I special?"


"Is it lunch time, yet?"

*sigh* "I'd better get back to work."
