Corporate Attire
"From the heights of the Sunrise" |
" the city below; Shinra powers YOU..." |
"-And when the sun goes down..." |
"You can bet: Shinra works tirelessly to keep the light on wherever you are, so you can sleep with peace of mind..." |
Shin-Ra Working Toward a Greater Tomorrow, Today! |
Welcome to Shin-Ra: Employee Guide |
"Hello! I am So-yu, Your personal Shinra AI Navigation Guide! Welcome New hire ID:00061-32447 Aziza Au'Ra. Press Play to Start the Orientation." |
The Office Department of Survey Droid Support Systems may not be as well-known as SOLDIER, but it's just as essential! |
"Hm, It looks like you are employed under classified contract. Use your Keycard or unique employee ID to access entry to the labs and cafeteria. Your Security Clearance is: First Class." |
"Well it ain't Rocket Science, but the land survey is seismic all over the region. I'll call you back when I have more data." |
"A little more mako never hurt anybody, huh guys?" |
"The OS may run a little hotter on your processors, but that's okay, so long as we implement mako-cooling systems." |
"You guys are gonna look great when you're finally all put together, polished and surfaced!" |
"Yes, Delaney?" |
"These are the surveys from the Vulcan Peninsula, ma'am" |
"It's a lot of responsibility being on this android assembly line..." |
"It's a wonder that they trust somebody like me to program their ethics..." |
"Why am I special?" |
"..." |
"Is it lunch time, yet?" |
*sigh* "I'd better get back to work." |
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